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Information for Hosts:

We appreciate you hosting a Dinner 8! Once we have received all RSVPs, a group will be selected, based on availability and your group will be emailed to you. 

So, what do you do from there?

  1.  Please reply to the e-mail. That will let us know that you got your list of participants.
  2. Please contact each of the people in your group to set up a date and time to have your Dinner 8 in the month assigned.
  3. It’s recommended that you assign each person to “bring a dish” so that everyone can contribute, but again, ultimately how you run your dinner is up to you!
  4. Have people over and have a great time of food and fellowship! 

Some FAQ’s: 

  • Is this a one-time dinner, or are we supposed to meet four times like Bethel used to do it in the past? This is intended to be a one-time dinner. Of course, if you all want to continue meeting together on your own, there’s nothing stopping you.  
  • What if we can’t get a date we can all agree on? Do the best you can, and hold a dinner with as many people that are available. If some people are “floaters” you can always refer them back to us. We’ll try to find another Dinner 8 that will fit in their schedule.  
  • What about kids? It is up to you if you want to allow kids to come or if you’d like people to find childcare.