The teen years mark a key transitional stage in life. Moving from childhood to adulthood is an upheaval! But God uses times of change to bring great growth. That's where the Youth Ministry Staff & Volunteers come alongside parents - helping young men and women know God intimately, read His Word accurately, share and defend their faith, serve others and develop deep relationships.


High School Retreat at Globe Creek

Friday, October 11-Saturday, October 12

Come camp in cabins out in God's creation! Featuring time for learning God's Word, games, food, and tons of fun, this is one of the best events of the year and a great time to get to know others in the youth group.

Last day to register is October 6!

Sign up today!

Other Upcoming Youth Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...


Bethel Youth | Small Groups


  • Middle School - 78's Thrive  | Sunday 6-8pm (during the school year)

    Our goal is to connect with and love the students, have tons of fun and learn about Jesus in a way that makes sense. Middle School is a time of enormous change and transition for students, and our goal is to be there with them through those changes. 

    Our Small Group, THRIVE on Sunday nights give students the chance to connect deeper with the leaders and other students, while having a time to play games and

    then is followed by a teaching time and small group discussions.

  • High School - Ascent Talk Back | Sunday 6-8pm (during the school year)

    Our goal is to have fun and learn about Jesus. And yes, you can do both of those things at the same time. High School is a time where students are establishing their identities. Our desire is to help them establish their identities in Jesus. 

    During our High School Small Group, TALK BACK, students are split into groups by grade and gender for encouragement, accountability and discussion. This is the students best chance to “Talk Back” to us and let us know what’s happening in their lives, and is a great opportunity to connect with other students.