Christmas Eve Lyrics


Joy To The World (Joyful Joyful)

Joy to the world the Lord is come

Let earth receive her King

Let every heart prepare Him room

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven and Heaven and nature sing

We will sing sing sing

Joy to the world

We will sing sing sing

Joy to the World the Savior reigns

Let men their songs employ

While fields and floods rocks hills and plains

Repeat the sounding joy

Repeat the sounding joy

Repeat repeat the sounding joy

We will sing sing sing

Joy to the world

We will sing sing sing

He rules the world with truth and grace

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness

And wonders of His love

And wonders of His love

And wonders wonders of His love

We will sing sing sing

Joy to the world

We will sing sing sing

Joyful joyful we adore Thee

God of glory Lord of love

Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee

Opening to the sun above

Joyful joyful we adore Thee

God of glory Lord of love

Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee

Opening to the sun above

© 2018 Phil Wickham Music (Admin by Essential Music Publishing) CCLI Song No. 7128618

Light Of The World (Sing Hallelujah)

Light of the World

Treasure of Heaven

Brilliant like the stars

In the wintery sky

Joy of the Father

Reach through the darkness

Shine across the earth

Send the shadows to flight

Light of the World

From the beginning

The tragedies of time

Were no match for Your love

From great heights of glory

You saw my story

God You entered in

And became one of us

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

For the things He has done

Come and adore Him

Bow down before Him

Sing hallelujah

To the Light of the World

Light of the world

Crown in a manger

Born for the cross

To suffer to save

High King of Heaven

Death is the poorer

We are the richer

By the price that He paid

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

For the things He has done

Come and adore Him

Bow down before Him

Sing hallelujah

To the Light of the World

Light of the World

Soon will be coming

With fire in His eyes

He will ransom His own

Through clouds He will lead us

Straight into glory

And there He shall reign

Forevermore forevermore

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

For the things He has done

Come and adore Him

Bow down before Him

Sing hallelujah

To the Light of the World

© 2020 Capitol CMG Paragon, We The Kingdom Music, Capitol CMG Genesis, We The Kingdom ASCAP Designee (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI Song No. 7163734

Come Adore The Humble King

Come adore the humble King

Lowly in the manger

Fall before His majesty

Hail the little Savior

Hope what hope no tongue could tell

God has come with us to dwell

His name is Emmanuel

O praise the humble King

Come adore in humble state

He the song of angels

Join the wise who call His name

And with all creation

ho oh who would condescend

God unknown now calls us friend

Love that none could comprehend

O praise the humble King

Come adore the King who came

To our world to save us

Born to heal our prideful race

Crown us with forgiveness

Fall oh fall before the one

Who in mercy left His throne

Christ the Lord God’s only Son

His glories now we sing

O praise the humble King

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

© 2018 Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Getty Music Publishing, Love Your Enemies Publishing, Messenger Hymns (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) | All rights reserved. Used by permission | CCLI #7134769

Who Would Have Dreamed

On a starlit hillside shepherds watched their sheep

Slowly David's city drifted off to sleep

But to this little town of no great renown

The Lord had a promise to keep

Prophets had foretold it a mighty King would come

Long awaited Ruler God's Anointed One

But the Sovereign of all looked helpless and small

As God gave the world His own Son

And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen

That we could hold God in our hands

The Giver of Life is born in the night

Revealing God's glorious plan

To save the world

Wondrous gift of heaven the Father sends the Son

Planned from time eternal moved by holy love

He will carry our curse and death He'll reverse

So we can be daughters and sons

And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen

That we could hold God in our hands

The Giver of Life is born in the night

Revealing God's glorious plan

And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen

That we could hold God in our hands

The Giver of Life is born in the night

Revealing God's glorious plan

To save the world

To save the world

© 2014 Sovereign Grace Praise (Admin. by Integrity Music) CCLI Song No. 7031876

O Come O Come Emmanuel

O come O come Emmanuel

And ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appear

O come Thou Dayspring from on high

And cause Thy light on us to rise

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night

And death's dark shadow put to flight

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel

Shall come to thee O Israel

O come O come true prophet of the Lord

And turn the key to heaven's door

Be Thou our comforter and guide

And lead us to the Father’s side

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel

Shall by His Word our darkness dispel

O come our great High Priest and intercede

Thy sacrifice our only plea

The judgment we no longer fear

Thy precious blood has brought us

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel

Has banished every fear of hell

O Come Thou King of nations bring

An end to all our suffering

Bid every pain and sorrow cease

And reign now as our Prince of Peace

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel

Shall come again with us to dwell

© 2014 Sovereign Grace Praise, Sovereign Grace Worship (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI Song No. 7031873

O Come All Ye Faithful (His Name Shall Be)

O come all ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant
O come ye O come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold Him
Born the King of angels

O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord

Sing choirs of angels
Sing in exultation
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above
Glory to God all
Glory in the highest

O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord

Yea Lord we greet thee
Born this happy morning
Jesus to Thee be all glory giv’n
Word of the Father
Now in flesh appearing

O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord

His name shall be
Wonderful counselor
His name shall be
Everlasting Father
His name shall be
Prince of Peace Mighty God
His name shall be

We'll praise Your name forever
We'll praise Your name forever
We'll praise Your name forever
Christ the Lord

We'll praise Your name forever
We'll praise Your name forever
We'll praise Your name forever
Christ the Lord

His name shall be
Wonderful counselor
His name shall be
Everlasting Father
His name shall be
Prince of Peace Mighty God
His name shall be

© 2020 Worshiptogether.Com Songs, sixsteps Music, Kristian Stanfill Publishing Designee (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) Thank The Maker Music (Admin JD Myers) CCLI Song No. 7163644

Silent Night

Silent night holy night

All is calm all is bright

‘Round yon virgin mother and Child

Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Oh sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night holy night

Shepherds quake oh at the sight

Glories stream from heaven afar

Heavenly hosts sing alleluia

Christ the Savior is born

Christ the Savior is born

Silent night holy night

Son of God oh love's pure light

Radiant beams from Thy holy face

With the dawn of redeeming grace

Jesus Lord at Thy birth

Jesus Lord at Thy birth

© 2005 Simpleville Music, Wet As A Fish Music, and Banistuci Music CCLI Song # 4629513

All songs used by permission under CCLI Copyright License #294657 and CCLI Streaming License #20317059.