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Tickets are $15 to attend the live, in-person event (only 125 tickets are available), and $10 for virtual access. All registrants will receive a link to our online event in the coming weeks. (Due to sensitive subject matter, this conference is for ages 13 and up)

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Christian Thought Forum Speakers - October 2019

  • Corey Miller - Author and President of Ratio Christi

    Corey Miller is the president of Ratio Christi, an apologetics-evangelism ministry encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christian students, and offering a Christian intellectual voice, at 180 universities around the world. Miller grew up in Utah as a seventh-generation Mormon, but came to Christ in 1988 and has since authored and edited several books, including Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed Their Minds and Is Faith in God Reasonable?: Debates in Philosophy, Science, and Rhetoric. He has taught nearly 100 college courses in philosophy, theology, rhetoric, and comparative religions at various places (Purdue, Indiana University, Multnomah University, and Ecola Bible College). Dr. Miller holds masters degrees in philosophy, biblical studies, and in philosophy of religion and ethics. His Ph.D. is in philosophical theology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

  • Peter Kupisz - Christian Apologist and speaker at Power to Change Ministries

    Peter Kupisz is a Christian apologist and thinker with Power to Change Ministries (otherwise known as Cru, or Campus Crusades for Christ) in Toronto, Canada. Peter has an M.A. in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics from Biola University and an M.A. in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology from the University of Toronto. He has taught classes at Biola University and Dongju College in South Korea, and speaks regularly on campuses and to churches in Canada and other parts of the world (including Korea, Indonesia, and Brazil). He also founded the Worldview Summit Facebook page with over 39,000 followers.